Poetry and conversation evening “What we read by the Baltic Sea”

Start of the event 2024-09-25 18:30 o’clock, Event duration 1 hour

Restaurant “Toli nuo klasikos” (Audros str. 2)

Participants: poet, translator, literary critic Marius Burokas; poet Carolina Pihelgas (Estonia); musician Pranas Narusis (clarinet).
Moderator – Curator of the Estonian Year Programme of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Union Agnė
Bernotaitė, translator – Margarita Mačiūnė.

Marius Burok’s event for the Baltic Book Year will bring together, Caroline Pihelgas poetry and the sounds of the legendary musician Pranas Narusys’ clarinet.
The audience will have the opportunity to get to know their neighbours, find out what they are reading, what is newly published and what translations already exist.
A unique English-language magazine ”
No More Amber“, which for the first time publishes both contemporary Baltic literature and 20th-century literature.
Baltic literature from the classics.

Partner of the event – Embassy of Estonia in Vilnius.